a gathering of ideas on ...

a gathering of ideas on ...

hope amid despair, repair amid brokenness, and the transformative power and relevance of Christ's life to ours ...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gathering Vision Night Almost Here!

I'm really, really, really, really excited about The Gathering Vision Night this Sunday evening! If you are in Tucson, AZ, you don't want to miss it!

I am excited to share The Gathering vision with you that God has lodged in my heart. He gave it to us during a long season of prayer and we feel like we're ready to give birth!

A new church is born much like a baby. Our anticipated "due date" is October 2013. Right now we've come through the 'conception stage' (which was lots of fun!) and now the spiritual baby is growing and developing in the prenatal stage. We are looking to add body parts and grow them and are gathering a team to help us labor until the birth next fall.

Wanna help and be part of the journey? You can learn more by checking out The Gathering Vision Night this Sunday at 6:30 PM at our home (contact us if you need directions). There will be plenty of drinks and snacks and babysitters on hand so you can bring the whole family.

We are super excited and would love to have you join us!

Jimmy and Liz
The Gathering